Supporting the education of girls in Ghana with Learn-Packages
03. April 2019
The second school semester has started and 25 students at St. Catherine Senior High School have received their learn-packages. The girls all attend the 1st and 2nd form (10th and 11th grade) and they are very glad and grateful for the support they have been given.
Each learn-package includes the following items:
• a school dress
• school books
• writing utensils and notebooks
The learn-packages are a much needed form of support for these students. Even though school fees for the 10th and 11th grade have been abolished, the cost of education continues to be high for poor families.
In Ghana families are burdened with multiple education related costs. Household expenditures on education in Ghana include: clothing (school uniforms), school books and materials, transportation, food, PTA contributions and expenses on extra classes.
According to the Living Wage Report for Ghana (2017), education related costs for government schools are around 1.921 GHS per child and per year for Senior High School. In a country where poverty levels are high (78% of people living in rural areas in Ghana live in poverty) many families who spend money for their children’s education face a heavy financial burden.
The learn-packages reduce the direct cost of education for low income families, thereby diminishing the economic barrier to education for girls in Ghana.
We sincerely thank our members and sponsors for supporting the education of girls in Ghana!
Source: Living Wage Report Ghana. (February 2017). pg. 8-39.